Nicki1323's Blog

Archive for the ‘Random Adventures’ Category

Sorry those who follow me and have been waiting for another post…It has been an insane couple of weeks.

Anyway, this post is dedicated to the overnight sensation we know as General Larry Platt and his amazing sone titles Pants on the Ground. If you are completely lost and have no idea what I am talking about then click here —–>, watch it, then com back to read the rest of this blog.

So as most people know by now, Pants on the Ground along with General Larry Platt have become an overnight sensation. In case you don’t know the lyrics to the song either, I provide them here:

Pants on the ground
, Pants on the ground, 
Lookin’ like a fool with your pants on the ground.
With the gold in your mouth
. Hat turned sideways
. Pants hit the ground. 
Call yourself a cool cat. 
Lookin’ like a fool
. Walkin’ downtown with your pants on the ground.
Get it up, hey!
 Get your pants off the ground. 
Lookin’ like a fool
. Walkin’ talkin’ with your pants on the ground.
Get it up, hey! 
Get your pants off the ground
. Lookin’ like a fool with your pants on the ground.
(Repeat second verse)

So, for those who are on Facebook there is a group dedicated to everything relating to “Pants on the Ground” That link is here —-> Join it and spread the love of pants on the ground to your friends.

Ok this post is taking a different direction then I originally intended. I intended to give my opinion on the infamous clip itself, give my opinion on people that wear their pants on the ground, and then give you all pictures that I found were epic.

So the clip, in a few words….is Amazing! I mean, c’mon a 62 year old guy singing about all the sagging pants in today’s society and then doing the splits! epic! My opinion on people that wear their pants hanging off their butt? “Git it up!” It is not sexy at all, if anything it is a complete turn off.

Alright and the last thing I promised to all of you is the various epic pictures. Enjoy!

And that is all for now people. Until next time. Keep your pants off the ground!

Ok, so I was realizing that I had not made a post in a while, so I am coming out of my sleep deprived, test fogged brain state to write a new one for you guys.

I have no idea how much anyone has read or had been following about the British Airlines going on strike, but yesterday, at least I think it was, the British airlines went on a complete strike. I am not sure what about, or what they are wanting…I probably should go research that….but they are not operational at this point. I first heard about it because I follow Tom Felton, the British actor who plays Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter, on Twitter. he tweeted earlier in the day that he was stuck in the airport because his flight might be canceled. Then about an hour later, he tweeted again that he was definitely stuck because British airlines had gone on strike and how there was no way he could get to Miami now. Of course I felt for him in his situation…

Then to top that whole twitter news source off, I also follow the website (which is one of the best websites ever might I add) and this is what they tweeted a few hours ago putting in their comment about the strike. “I hope plenty of postmen were intending to fly British Airways this Christmas. See how they like it.” I thought that was genius and thought I needed to share.

Second topic, finals and the end of semester. Those who are in college or who remember that time in their life should remember the experience of this time of the year….You are excited about the holiday season, going home to see your family, and of course the semester ending, but you just wish it did not have to come with final projects and exams. This is where I am at right now. It is driving me crazy. I am taking 18 credits this fall, and our exam schedule starts…well tomorrow morning actually, and goes until Friday. So we have all semester to freak out, and then it is over in the span of three days. Am I the only one who finds this odd? Oh well.

So….because it is the last few days, I cannot think of anything else to talk about at this point, so I will sign off for now. I hope my readers have a Merry Christmas and enjoy the time with their families. I will post again after the new years…so Happy New Year as well 😀

Ok, so not much has happened in the last few days except for Thanksgiving, watching some amazing movies, namely The Proposal, and The Ugly Truth, picking out a song for an upcoming musical audition, and just general lounging.

So, the main reason behind this new blog is to show two amazing pictures that I found. The first one I got from the amazing Josh Groban. He posted a tweet a few weeks back from his hotel room. The caption that he put with it was “Do you ever get the feeling that you are being watched?” I decided that I needed to take this picture and share it with everyone simply because of its sheer awesomeness.

So and then I found another one. When I was blogging about New Moon in a previous post, I was looking for different pictures on Google to help illustrate different things. Well if you read that blog, you will see that I have the title screen of New Moon. When I searched for the image, I got a lot of pictures of the moon, some stills from the movie, and then I got something totally unexpected. And it is something that needs to be shared with you as well.

So what does this picture have anything to do with New Moon? I have no idea whatsoever. I didn’t go to the website to see what the page was about that this picture was on, but I was just in shock from seeing this picture in the search.

Ok, so that is about it for this blog, but leave comments if you read this blog so I know that I am at least somewhat interesting with the things I am writing out here. Until next time!

Quick update on this since it is not enough information to go into one post by itself, but I was looking through the latest tweets of David Slade who is the director Eclipse, and he had tweeted this picture along with the caption, “there should be fines issued for this kind of photoshop abuse” I am not sure that I agree, though it makes total sense. But I did know I had to share this with everyone…so here it is…:D

Friday night, me and two of my friends went to see a play called Me & My Dick put on by the same people who made A Very Potter Musical (which is amazing and available to watch on Youtube) star kid productions! We are such huge fans of AVPM, that we decided to make t-shirts to express our love for the musical, and pay homage to the best character in it, Voldimort. We had a quote on the front, and a picture on the back. Because of these t-shirts, we were able to be in a pre-show video, and a post show video with none other than Joe Moses! We also were able to get a picture with Bonnie! Anyway, the musical was amazing and hilarious (available to watch on Youtube November 13!!!). After the play, we were trying to see if there were any cast members we could say hi to, particularly the hot ones. 😀 Anyway, not to keep rambling on you, but that was Friday night and I am still really geeked about it!!! Long story short, we ended up meeting Darren Criss, Joe Walker, Bonnie G., Joey Richter, and Joe Moses from the AVMP cast. I think I am going to post the pictures that we got at the bottom of this post. 🙂 Unfortunately, we were only able to get pictures with Darren and Joe W. but we got a hug from Joey, a picture with Bonnie, and two interviews with Joe Moses. All in all we had an amazing night, which I will never forget. Oh, and one more thing, driving back to campus after the play, we almost got lost because we missed a road sign due to our heads all being up in the stratosphere! 😀 That is all for now. To read more of my adventures, keep connected!



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